Investment Philosophy
Investment Objectives
...Met by combining Fundamentals & Workout strategies to achieve superior risk adjusted returns

Portfolio Return > Benchmark
Generate returns higher than benchmark through superior investment selection and portfolio construction

Capital Protection
Protect portfolio from permanent loss of capital

Calculated Risk
Don't believe in buying lottery tickets in a quest to chase performance

Stability > Volatility
Keeping the journey smooth to protect investors from unnecessary downside volatility during market falls
Clearview Long Term Partners Fund
Our flagship investment approach catering to high net-worth individuals and institutions with investments predominantly in Indian equities
Good quality business available at reasonable price with triggers for value convergence
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Predictable special situations which are delinked from the market and have limited downside risk but have upside optionality
Learn MoreCombination of fundamentals and work-outs results in superior risk adjusted returns
Workouts % in Portfolio increases when trade-off between risk and reward seems unfavourable. Higher % of Workouts enables

Resilient portfolio with reasonable returns during market downturns

Cash conservation for fundamental ideas when risk-reward turns favorable

Alpha generation during all seasons

Fundamental Investments
Private Equity Style Investing
Good Quality Business

Competitive & Sustainable Moat
Ensure ROCE > Cost of Capital over the competitive advantage period

Management & Governance
Integrity & competence of management with protection of minority shareholder interests
Reasonable Price

Absolute > Relative
Prevents us from acting during market euphoria when 'any' price can be justified

Margin of Safety
To protect against unknown downsides
Triggers for
Value Convergence

Identify Trigger
Stocks can stay mispriced longer than one can stay solvent

Price -> Value
Events (capex, change in business strategy, management) can lead to convergence of price with value
Clearview Edge
Rich experience of assisting blue-chip Private Equity funds manage multi-billion dollar investments
Special Situations
Investments whose outcomes are influenced by specific corporate actions like M&A, open offers, demergers etc.

Reasonable & Predictable
Price should allow for reasonable and predictable returns during holding period

De-linked from Market
Capital preservation during times of market euphoria when risk-reward is not in favour of fundamentals

Limited Risk
In-built downside protection despite industry / business changes and broader market movements
Clearview Edge
Team comprising of ex-investment bankers with rich experience in handling special situations
What to Expect from Us

Deep Research
Scientific research > Gut calls

Discipline & Contrarianism
Greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy

Low Portfolio Churn
Not cutting the flowers to water the weeds

Concentrated Portfolio
Extreme diversification is protection against ignorance
What Not to Expect from Us

Technical Analysis
No charting

Trading & Speculation
We don't buy stocks, we buy part ownership in a business

Short Termism
In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run, it is a weighing machine
View on Macros
Bottoms-up > Top-down
Clearview Capital Advisors Private Limited
Unit 703, 7th Floor, 90 Degree Magnus,
Block EP, Sector V, Salt Lake City, Bidhan Nagar,
Kolkata - 700091
SEBI PMS Regn No: INP000009029
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+91 74397 25132
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